Hey Mama, 
I'm Dr. Teri Warner better known as...

"Dr. Wellness Mom"

I'm a child health expert, pediatric chiropractor, mom of 3, a media personality, international speaker, researcher, athlete, and a fierce children's health advocate. 

You may have seen me on TV, listened to me on a podcast, seen me on stage at a conference or in front of the state capital lobbying to preserve children & parental healthcare rights, visited my practice in NJ, or consulted with me virtually...

If you know me, you know I love to cook, travel, coach, speak, and take care of my patients. But my favorite thing to do, is to mentor moms to positive life-changing levels of RESULTS for themselves and their children.

One of my favorite topics is Nutrition & how to inspire our kids to eat the healthy food we know is good for them. 

The truth is, the health of todays youth is in decline. In fact 54% of today's children are plagued with a chronic illness including asthma, allergies, diabetes, ADHD, autism and  obesity, amongst others. 

My mission in practice and in life is to turn the sickest generation of kids into the healthiest! My passion is helping children achieve their full God-given potential in Health, Wellness and Life. 

One of the most significant ways to do this is through diet and nutrition, and a great way to begin is LUNCH. 

At different times with my 3 kids, we have  homeschooled, been in private school and in public school. Regardless of where they were, people always ask me, "How do you always get your kids to eat so healthy?" 

Moreover, Moms consistently complain to me that they are in constant overwhelm, and just happy to get their kids off to school with anything packed for lunch. 

Thus the birth of this book:
"Dr. Wellness Moms Secrets to Healthy School Lunches that your kids will love!" 

My 3 wellness kids, Skylar, Alexis, & Sydney... then and now. 

Every mom knows, 
is a must! 

Make your school year easier, and you're kids healthier, happier, and more productive. In my ebook you'll discover healthy school lunch secrets, and kids nutrition fact vs. fiction. 

Children today are constantly bombarded with images and advertisements of fake food. They are taught to crave a toxic mixture of food coloring, sugar, seed oils, and excitotoxins (chemical food additives such as aspartame and MSG that overstimulate and destroys neurons in the brain and creates free radicals in the body). They are being raised on highly processed foods with long shelf life and artificial additives.

This is not natural and is having devastating consequences on the health of todays children!  

But we can change this ... we can introduce and teach them how to love and crave REAL food (food that grew in the dirt) and foods made with fresh natural ingredients. 

Going to School Shouldn't Change the Way Kids Eat

Many Moms tell me that they always make nutritious food at home, but know the kids eat 'junk food' when they go to school. 

As a mom of 3, a pediatric chiropractor, and a fierce health advocate for children and parents, I know the importance nutrition plays in a healthy lifestyle. This shouldn't change when our kids leave the house for school, whether that's elementary school, middle school, high school or college. 

It's SUPER IMPORTANT that they are getting the proper 'nutritional fuel' for a full day at school. 

If you're ready, I'm prepared to share with you all of my greatest tips and tricks, to optimize your children's health. Best of all, I'll share with you how to get your kids involved and excited about the process. 

You'll be surprised how quickly and easily it can be to pack nutritious and delicious school lunches, that your kids will LOVE! 

I look forward to partnering with you for your children's health, and bringing together our community of "Wellness Moms". There are moms across the country and around the globe who are ready to take back their kids health. In addition to the book, this is an invitation to join our "Wellness Moms" community where we can inspire and support each other (more about that later).

Why & How to Pack Quick & Easy HEALTHY School Lunches...
Improve Energy and Focus: 
The right foods will maintain more stable energy levels and mental focus throughout the day....
Make it Appealing and Fun:
Kids love to be involved and a part of the process, from planning, to shopping, to packing... 
Plan and Prep Ahead:
It's so quick and easy when you have the right outline and blueprint to follow... 
There are so many reasons for kids eat a healthy school lunch ...

#1.  Improved Academic Performance: Research studies have shown that children who consume healthy school lunches have higher academic performance and better cognitive function. Proper nutrition supports brain development, concentration, memory, and overall learning abilities, leading to improved grades and academic success.

#2.  Increased Productivity and Focus: A nutritious lunch provides the necessary nutrients and energy for optimal brain function. It helps sustain concentration and focus throughout the school day, leading to increased productivity and better classroom performance.

#3.  Reduced Risk of Obesity: Packing a healthy school lunch allows parents to control portion sizes and choose nutritious options. Studies have found that children who bring their lunch from home are less likely to be overweight or obese compared to those who rely on cafeteria meals. A balanced lunch can help prevent excessive calorie intake and promote healthy weight management.

#4.  Reduced Absenteeism and Illness: Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting a strong immune system. A well-balanced lunch packed with fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This helps strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of illnesses, leading to fewer sick days and improved attendance.

#5.  Better Overall Health and Well-being: Healthy school lunches contribute to overall better health and well-being of children. They provide essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, which support growth, development, and overall health. A nutritious lunch can also help prevent chronic diseases and improve long-term health outcomes for children.


As my kids have grown we have transitioned through several stages of food with likes and dislikes, and even some health challenges of our own. This eBook is filled with healthy school lunch secrets to make your school year easier. Follow this 'recipe' and you're kids will be healthier, happier, and more productive.

If you feel like you're packing the same lunch day after day and need to get out of the school lunch rut, get ready. While this is not a cookbook, I will give you lots of ideas of what and how to prepare, easy, nutritious and delicious school lunches. In fact, I'll give you an entire months worth of school lunches to get you started. You can repeat this great lunch calendar each and every month, or use these lunch ideas as a springboard to creating your own. I'll also discuss the difference between packing for pre-K through elementary age kids, verses tweens, and teens. 

Plus I'll send you a link to join for FREE a Healthy School Lunch community group that I'll be monitoring. We'll be able to share ideas and photos and whats working for their kids. 

Most moms would agree, #1 "YES, I want to pack a healthier lunch, but how do I get them to eat it?" #2 "I don't have time." 

We'll tackle these issues and so much more... as well as all the other "But's..." "But... my child has food allergies", "But... my child is gluten free", "But... I have a picky eater", "But... I am too busy, I'm a working mom." We'll get past all of these "but's" and enter into the land of solutions! I'm here to tell you that you can do it too!


My youngest daughter Alexis, son Sky, older daughter Sydney, and my husband of 30 years Dr. Stu Warner, and me (from left to right) at our home at the Jersey Shore. 

"Join us, and together let's take back our kids health!"
-Dr. Theresa Warner
aka Dr. Wellness Mom & Founder of the Wellness Parenting Revolution

A little bit about us...

Drs. Warner have been called "Americas Most Trusted Source for Raising Healthy Kids." 

They have been in private practice for 30 years, and have spoken on over 700 stages to doctor groups, health & parenting expos, and freedom rallies for audiences up to 5,000. They regular appear on national and international Network TV shows, on the radio, and print to educate the public. 

Drs. Teri & Stu Warner have made a powerful impact teaching millions of parents the benefits of raising children in a healthy lifestyle. By appearing on national & international TV shows, Drs. Warner continue to share their message of health and wellness to inspire parents around the world to make the next generation, the best generation!

Dr. Theresa gave testimony at the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as well as presented to the Council on Women and Children at the United Nations NGO. 

Dr. Theresa has also received the Humanitarian of the Year award from the WCA and the Breaking the Glass Ceiling award from the WC. 

Dr. Warner is the founder of Wellness Moms America/International providing a safe place for moms to learn, share, and grow in the wellness lifestyle, and joyfully served for many years as a Le Leche League leader, providing expert breastfeeding advice and support for nursing mothers.

Media requests, speaking invitations, and private consultation requests can be sent to:  DrWellnessMom@gmail.com

As America's Foremost Children's Health & Wellness Experts, Drs. Warner have appeared on various TV and radio shows sharing their knowledge and passion for family health & wellness....
  They Have Been Featured On TV, Radio, Podcasts, & Print Media:
Don't leave the page without ordering your copy of "HEALTHY SCHOOL LUNCHES that your kids will love!" 

Did you place your order yet? If you're ready, I'm prepared to share with you all of my greatest tips and tricks, to optimize your children's health.  

Get your copy today!

BONUS... Join Our Community of Wellness Moms & Dads

I look forward to partnering with you for your children's health, and bringing you together our community of "Wellness Moms". There are moms & dads across the country and around the globe who are ready to 'take back their kids health'. 

This is your invitation to join our "Wellness Parenting Revolution" community. Discover these like-minded moms & dads, doctors, attorneys, scientists, religious leaders, and you'll never feel alone again! 

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